
Banquet of Love

Banquet of Love

2014 / 8mm film + HD digital / color / 7min.
Is “love” an act of staring intently an object, a deepening of thoughts? Norman McLaren said that “all films are a kind of dance”. This “banquet” is the expansive experimental film movement that has not yet reached its end. [This work] was made as a personal poem in response to this [larger movement].


Born in Tokyo in 1991. Graduated from Ritsumeikan University College of Image Arts and Sciences. Main works: “Caffenol,” “Metamorphose,” “Ugomeki,” “312 Goushitsu”

Michael LYONS

Born in Scotland, raised in Canada, came to Japan in 1996. Professor at Ritsumeikan University College of Image Arts and Sciences. Active at international conferences such as SIGGRAPH. Established the “New Interfaces for Musical Expression” (NIME) conference in 2001.


Tokyo Park Tower:4/28 16:15、5/3 11:30
Kyoto:5/23 14:30
Fukuoka:6/4 14:00
Nagoya:6/18 11:30
