
H: Experiments Transcending Genre

5works 86min.



‘Radioactive’ documents the people who had to take refuge after the nuclear power plant accidents. ‘Oh! Sore Miyo’ creates a festive environment using the magical technique of pixellation. ‘Fururuto’ edits films that were taken in different periods of time, in to a singular story. This is a showcase of diverse experimental films.
Radioactive FUNAHASHI Atsushi / 2013 / digital / color / 36 min. [ES]
Budding, Swelling USUHA Ryoya / 2014 / digital / color / 7 min. [ND]
Dust in the Eyes TAKAHASHI Isao / 2014 / digital / color / 5 min. [ND]
“Oh! Sore Miyo” FURUKAWA Taku / 2013 / digital / color / 3 min. [ND]
Fururuto TEAM 8mm Tenngoku (HOSHINO Akira, MAEDA Shigeru, SUZUKI Shocho) / 2014 / 8mm / color / 35 min. [ND]
[ND]= No Dialogue
[JO]= Japanese Only


Tokyo Park Tower:4/28 13:45、5/4 11:30
Kyoto:5/21 14:30
Fukuoka:6/5 16:20
Nagoya:6/18 14:00 
