This art animation program focuses on the young and aspiring directors. The films to be shown surpass the traditional meaning of ‘art animation,’ and include kitsch cuteness and a pinch of insanity. ‘Maman’ and ‘Palmipedarium’ brilliantly illustrates the awkwardness we encounter in everyday life. Peter BURR’s films could be described as TANAAMI Keiichi-‐esque images redone in 8 bit. ‘Démontable’ uses composition to make a desktop a war field.
Maman Ugo BIENVENU & Kevin MANACH / 2013 / digital / color / 5 min. (France)[ND]
Démontable Douwe DIJKSTRA / 2014 / digital / color / 12 min. (Netherlands)[ND]
Star Cross Ted WIGGIN / 2011 / digital / color / 6 min. (USA)[ND]
Junk Spirals Peter BURR / 2009 / digital / color / 6 min. (USA)[ND]
Green | Red Peter BURR / 2014 / digital / color / 10 min. (USA)[ND]
Palmipedarium Jerémy CLAPIN / 2012 / digital / color / 11 min. (France)[ND]
The Day I Killed my Best Friend Antonio Jesús Busto ALGARIN / 2012 / digital / color / 6 min. (England)[ES]
Autour du Lac (Around the lake) Carl ROOSENS & Noémie MARSILY / 2013 / digital / color / 6 min. (Belgium)[ES]