Short animation creators YAMAMURA Koji and KUROSAKA Keita have come to represent Japan through their instantly recognizable flowing lines and unique narratives. Their early experimental works won prizes at IFF. These achievements were passed on to the next generation through art universities and film festivals, and while acquiring the new tools of digital production their intense individuality has received acclaim at animation film festivals around the world.
JAPANESE-ENGLISH PICTIONARY YAMAMURA koji / 1989 / 16mm / color / 12min.
TWO TRIPS & COFFEE MIZUMOTO Hiroyuki / 2004 / digital / color / 17min.
CONSULTATION ROOM OYAMA Kei / 2005 / digital / color / 9min.
DAY OF NOSE WADA Atsushi / 2005 / digital / color / 10min
METAMORPHOSE WORKS NO. 5 KUROSAKA Keita / 1986 / 8mm / color / 29min.