2015 / digital / color / 84min.
Will ghosts in military garb who sleep beneath “peace city” be awakened after 70 years through a forbidden ritual performed by high school boys? Their insanity that escalates their militaristic behavior with Hiroshima accents like in a Yakuza movie is strangely realistic, and disturbs us as people living in a country that is currently drifting to the right. They are supposed to have been taught that “life is important” from the time they were small children, but…
Born in Hiroshima Prefecture in 1991. Entered Tokyo Zokei University in 2011. Wrote and directed the experimental family drama SEA OF FAMILY in 2012. Wrote and directed AMESANSAN (selected for the Tokyo Student Film Festival) in 2013. Wrote and directed WHITE MANTIS NEST as his graduation work in 2014.
TOKYO Image forum:4/30 21:15 Program C
TOKYO Park tower:5/5 11:30 Program C
KYOTO:5/18 16:45 Program C
FUKUOKA:6/4 14:00 Program C
NAGOYA:6/24 14:00 Program C