
Budding, Swelling

Budding, Swelling

2014 / digital / color / 7min.
It begins with simple wire-frame shapes. These then increase, and their changing form is presented using various CG techniques. Is a living creature simply a complex machine, or is it some kind of different, mysterious being? With crisply defined shapes and visual expression we are reminded of the essential appeal of computer graphics.


Born in 1991. Worked at a tennis court in the countryside during his summer vacation when he was in his second year of high school and bought a laptop computer. Creates moving images while editing sound and images side by side. Currently studies new media at the Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media.


Tokyo Park Tower:4/28 13:45、5/4 11:30
Kyoto:5/21 14:30
Fukuoka:6/5 16:20
Nagoya:6/18 14:00
