This program screens works of young animators who lead the new generation of art animation. Works include ‘Snow Hut,’ the latest work by internationally acclaimed MIZUSHIRI Yoriko, ‘Usalullaby,’ that surrounds the viewers in a fluffy atmosphere, and ‘Anal Juke ~Anal Juice~,’ a work that grabs the viewers attention with its catchy phrases and colorful visuals.
Usalullaby IKE Asami / 2013 / digital / color / 6 min. [ND]
Maze King KIM Hakyun / 2013 / digital / b&w / 7 min. [ND]
Anal Juke ~Anal Juice~ KABUKI Sawako / 2013 / digital / color / 3 min. [ND]
Waiter YAMADA Ryoji / 2013 / digital / color / 8 min. [ND]
GYRØ MADOKA / 2014 / digital / color / 6min. [ND]
Flower Bud NAKANO Saki / 2014 / digital / color / 5 min. [ND]
Madly in Love SUGIDONO Ikue / 2013 / digital / color / 4 min. [JO]
An Apple and an Apple –Welcome Back Me-‐ TAJIMA Kaori / 2014 / digital / color / 6 min. [JO]
De_Riria_Subasutaimu HIDAKA Shinsaku / 2013 / digital / color / 13 min. [ND]
Snow Hut MIZUSHIRI Yoriko / 2013 / digital / color / 5 min. [ND]
[ND]= No Dialogue
[JO]= Japanese Only