Beginning with WATER IN MY EARS, praised by OKAZAKI Kyoko for “something like an opened, slightly luminous despair shining throughout 36 minutes of film,” a collection drawn from the many excellent works by female directors released in the 1990s. Often addressing the female body as their subject, these women juxtaposed the “self that sees” and the “self that is seen” and challenged sex and gender paradigms. How do these experiments resonate today?
WATER IN MY EARS UTAGAWA Keiko / 1993 / 8mm / 36min.
THE SLEEPING FLOWER KOGUCHI Utako / 1991 / 16mm / color / 7min.
YOU CAN’T ALWAYS SAY THE SKY IS WRONG SAIKI Hiromi / 1996 / 8mm / color / 18min.
PEACH BABY OIL WADA Junko / 1995 / 8mm / color / 16min.