A program of independent Japanese animation that has also received attention overseas. This program includes Mizushiri Yoriko’s 『VEIL』, a work invited to this year’s Berlin International Film Festival, Toyama Mitsuo’s『THE CONSOLE』, a work that obtains a new state of existance through its restrained motion and extremely simple story, 『MOCK ANGEL』, a work that looks closely at the root source of human emotions, and other new animated works by young creators who use various techniques such as paper cut-out pictures and sand drawing to stretch the boundaries of expression.
THE CONSOLE TOYAMA Mitsuo / 2014 / digital / color / 8min.
MOCK ANGEL NAKAMURA Tomomichi / 2014 / digital / color / 13min.
MASTER BLASTER KABUKI Sawako / 2014 / digital / color / 4min.
IN THE SLEEPLESS CITY WAKABAYASHI Moe / 2015/ digital / b&w / 8 min.
Steel Gears Sheep Heart KAGA Ryoya / 2015 / digital / color / 3min.
I CAN’T BREATHE KIHATA Sayaka / 2015 / digital / color / 6 min.
MY MILK CUP COW ZHU Yantong / 2014 / digital / color / 11min.
HERE IS EVERYTHING OF THE WORLD TANIGUCHI Chinami / 2015 / digital / b&w / 5min.
VEIL MIZUSHIRI Yoriko / 2014 / digital / color / 6min.